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Insuring you is reassuring you

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Our team is ready to welcome you in Leuven or Brussels, or we’d be happy to pay you a visit to find out about your expectations and provide you with the best possible advice on all kinds of insurance.

For more than 50 years, our method has been to offer every client a general analysis of their needs, personalised tips and a tailored solution.

Every Smeys employee regularly attends training to ensure that they always have up-to-date knowledge of the sector.

Our keywords: thoroughness - expertise - service - assistance


In general, given the nature of their work, all the agents of the other insurance companies "manage" to be persistent and only interested in getting the maximum benefit from the potential customers… It is for the first time in my life, I found an insurance company where I can discuss so that the benefits are convenient for both sides. That's why I have never been willing to do a "double-check" with another insurance company to see if I could have had some other interesting proposals.
Every time I left the negotiations with SMEYS I felt that I had been treated with honesty.
Mihai ENACHI ( owner MENA sprl Belgium )