New eye-catchers on the streets

New eye-catchers on the streets

In our street you see more and more electric bikes, hover boards, single wheels, segways, ... all very original and fun to use, but what about the insurance of such devices?

Maybe you assume that this kind of “thing” is a toy and it is not necessary to take an insurance.

Mandatory motor vehicle insurance
All these vehicles are classified as motor vehicles. This has important consequence that an insurance obligation is part of the WAM-law, if such vehicles are traveling open to the public on public roads or in fields. The green card is a required document in that case. The green card should have some mandatory information such as the license plate / chassis number, brand / model, policy number. An exchange or purchase of the device requires a new green card.

Let’s take a look at some new means of transportation

Segway / Hover board / Electric Scooter (maximum 18 km/h)

This type of transportation can be classified initially as a vehicle (= transportation vehicle for a person). It is, moreover, a motor vehicle, as it is driven by an electric motor (= mechanical force). It must therefore be covered through compulsory motor insurance. So you must have a green card.

Electric trolley (maximum 18 km/h)
For an electric trolley you must have motor insurance and green card, regardless of the motive power (fuel, electricity ...)

Electric bike
Not all electric bicycles need mandatory insurance. The presence of pedal assistance and the maximum speed of an electric bike determine the bike as motor vehicle or not and should therefore be covered or not by compulsory motor insurance.
E-bike with pedal: 25 km/h = bicycle
Just like a regular bike, should be kicked to propel the bicycle. Muscle strength is thus necessary to be able to move forward. Therefore, this bike does not fall under the definition of 'vehicle', but is treated as one which an ordinary bicycle. Liability is insured in family policy.

E-bike with pedal: 25 km/h to 45 km/h = moped Class B
This bike takes - an exceptional place in the electric bicycle family.

An electric bike with pedal assistance and maximum speed between 25 km / h and 45 km / h is treated by the law with a moped class B. This cycle thus falls on the mandatory insurance and should therefore be registered and have a green card.

E-bike with electric motor assist which help without steps

An electric bike, purely with the help of a motor drive, always falls within the definition of a motor vehicle. Gets the bike at speeds up to 25 km / h, it will be treated as a moped class A. Can the bike reach speeds of up to 45 km / h, then it is treated as a moped class B. For both classes, insurance remains mandatory and the green card is a compulsory document.

Mono wheel (maximum 18 km/h)
These unicycles that remain in balance thanks to electric motors and thus can be controlled without handle.

The vehicles, which merely move by mechanical power, are all motor vehicles. For these types of vehicles there is still doubt whether they are still allowed to move on public roads in the legislation. As long as there is no such clarity, mono wheels are insured in family policy.

Motor vehicles in family policy.

What if you run over a visitor in your garden?
Motors that never go on public roads are not covered by the insurance. If they cause damage, this is insured in family policy.

To protect you extra, the guarantee of family policy goes a step further. Certain devices, which fall within the definition of a motor transportation are still insured in the family policy, if no motor insurance was closed for this vehicle.

This applies in particular to the "slow" motor vehicles, such as toys (with a maximum speed of 8 km / h), riding mowers and other motorised equipment not intended in principle to bring in traffic. If there is a case of damage at a place where a WAM-law applies, we provide coverage in accordance with the amounts and guarantees as a minimum imposed by law.

This expansion is in favour of the customer, who never intended to get on the road and therefore concluded no motor insurance.
How to avoid storm damage

How to avoid storm damage

Storms and violent gusts of wind can cause a lot of damage. Plan ahead!

Count the number of seconds between the lightning bolt and the sound of the thunder to know how far the storm is and how much time you have. Three seconds equals about one kilometre.

    Bring in garden furniture, bins, garden tools and ornaments or tie them down.
    Roll up your sunshade and remove your parasol.
    If you are in the woods, take cover under a group of trees, never under a single tree.
    The car is the safest place to take cover.
    Never stand near an open window.
    Unplug all electrical devices to avoid lightning destroying them.
    Unplug the radio and television as well.
    Put your car in the garage or park it in the carport.

Avoid hail damage

    Park your car in a garage or under a roof.
    If your car must stay outdoors, cover it with a thick blanket.
    Protect light wells with a thick blanket or an old carpet.
    Leave the shutter of your swimming pool open rather than closing it.
    Do not drive during a storm or hailstorm.
    Find a safe, covered place and wait for the storm to pass.
    If you cannot take cover anywhere, stop at a safe place and wait for the storm or hailstorm to pass in order to limit the impact and damage.